The notebook <3

Allie; Say that I´m a bird.
Noah; No.
Allie; Say it!
Noah; No, don´t do it!
Allie jumps up in Noahs arms.
Noah; You´re a bird.
Allie; Yeah... (Kisses Noah) Now say you´re a bird too.
Noah; If you´re a bird I´m a bird!

At the beach <3

"You tell me whene I´m being an arrogant son of a bitch, And I tell you whene you´re being a pain in the ass, With you are 99% of the time"

"I´m not afraid to hurt you´re feelings, you have like a 2 second rebound rate and THEN you´re back, doing the next pain in the ass thing!"

"It´s not going to be easy, it´s going to be really hard. We´re going to have to work with this everyday. But I want to o that because I want you! I want al of you, forever, toy and me, everyday. "

I´m in love with The notebook <3

4 scenes

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